Interferential Therapy works by sending small electrical impulses through the skin. These impulses stimulate underlying nerves and tissue reducing pain, edema and inflammation. The interferential current is the result of two interacting medium frequency current produced by IF units . The IF stimulator uses four (4) electrodes which may allow better focus and deeper tissue stimulation when compared to other types of electrical stimulation. Pain relief varies by individual patient and the type of pain; in many cases the stimulation may reduce or eliminate the pain sensation.
The unit is a dual-channel electric stimulator for active treatment application, which is equipped with a Digital Display indicating operation modes and output as well as an 8-bit microcomputer for controlling the system.
The electronics of the unit create electric impulses: the intensity, duration, frequency per second and modulation of these impulses can adjusted.
Read the operation manual before using the device.
Federal law ( USA ) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician/practitioner.
This device may be used, with a physician's prescription, for the symptomatic relief and management of chronic (long term) pain and for the treatment of postoperative or posttraumatic pain.
- Patients with implanted electronic devices [for example, a pacemaker] or metallic implants should not undertake IF treatment without first consulting a physician.
- Any electrode placement that applies current to the carotid sinus (neck) region.
- Any electrode placement that causes current to flow transcerebrally. (through the head)
- The use whenever pain symptoms are undiagnosed, until etiology is determined.
- This device must be kept out of reach of children.
- The safety of these devices use during pregnancy or delivery has not been established.
- This device is not effective for pain of central origin (headaches).
- If treatment becomes ineffective or unpleasant, stimulation should be discontinued until reevaluation by a physician/practitioner.
- TENS devices should be used only under the continued supervision of a physician.
- Always turn device off before applying or removing electrodes.
- This device may interfere with electronic monitoring equipment (ECG monitors/alarms).
- Electrodes should not be placed over the eyes, in the mouth, or internally.
- These devices have no curative value.
- This unit is a symptomatic treatment and as such suppresses the sensation if painwhich would otherwise serve as a protective mechanism.
- Do not place electrodes on front of the throat. This may result in spasms of the laryngeal or pharyngeal muscles.
- Do not place the electrodes over the carotid nerve.
Precautions/adverse Reactions
- Isolated cases of skin irritation may occur at the site of electrode placement during long term application.
- Effectiveness is highly dependent upon patient selection by a person qualified in the management of pain patients.
- Skin irritation and electrode burns are potential adverse reactions.